Saturday, February 14, 2009

Un Ang Perdu " cras amet qui numquam amavit quique amavit cras amet"


Can't start a sentence with "well" , I remember Mr Rowley saying ! Never a better word in this case. so here goes.
This is all about my life , I would never contemplate opening a blog normally, however with recent events I feel compelled to put Treboucher to silicon and document the most significant event in my life so far. Yes its the usual "boy meets girl" , but like all good drinks, with a twist! Every one has an angel , i guess, if you dont you need to get one.

My angel came at me so fast and timely ..and what an angel. I must warn all who follow this, if you get one make sure you take good care may lose her them day. I'm a mere mortal , despite being named after the sun God , Michael , later to eveolve into an ArchaAngel and with a middle name Gerald, Michaels spear carrier, I seemed well set to take on the world.

A big tragedy occurred which in the fullness of time I will recount.Let it just be said at this time that I was pretty forlorn. Suicide was certainly an option I was considering. Near 50 and all you hold dear dissapeared...well !